A long time ago…summer of 1977 to be exact, when I was in college, my dad asked me to work at a property he had just acquired. A summer job in a college town sounded great to me, so off I went to Brandywine, ending up as both a lifeguard and a leasing agent. I needed the hours and money for school! Now, here I am 45 years later, still in love with Brandywine and my son is working with me as the 4th generation in our family real estate business.
Brandywine has always held a special place in my heart, it is not just a business or an investment to me. It is family! Many of our employees have “grown up” with me and been at Brandywine equally if not longer than me! Owner-Managed properties are rare today. At Brandywine, we are not a faceless corporation. We truly care. We look at Brandywine as a place we would want to live in if we were looking for an apartment in Amherst. I love the size of the apartments, the enormous amount of closet space, the terraces, the large rooms. I love the grounds at Brandywine – waking in the morning to walk around the pond, watching the ducks – the staff even built a duck house for them in the winter!! As close and easy as it is to get around on the bus route, park your car, ride your bike, or even walk to UMass, the tranquility and nature at Brandywine always starts my day with a smile. The staff is friendly, professional and responsive to your needs. Many live on site so that they are quickly able to take care of any emergency!
I look forward to your moving into Brandywine and am sure you will come to love it almost as much as I do!

-Ricky Arbron, President Snow Asset Management, Inc.